SARA Spillett took this picture in Kettlewell of Tuesday's partial eclipse of the sun.

The UK's only solar eclipse of the year, it was at its best at just before 11am and could be seen across the country until about midday - peering out from behind clouds.

Martin Lunn of the Earby Astronomical Society, said it was a rare astronomical event.

The eclipse began at 10.6am, with maximum at 10.56 am when around 15 per cent of the Sun was covered by the Moon.

Mr Lunn stressed it was important to remember that it is very dangerous to use binoculars or telescopes to look at the Sun.

The next partial solar eclipse will be visible from the UK in March 2025, with a total eclipse not forecast over UK mainland until 2090.

But people will be able see a partial lunar eclipse - when the Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon and creates a shadow across the lunar surface - next October.