PEOPLE in Craven aged 75 or over, and children and adults with a weakened immune system, are being urged to book their spring Covid-19 vaccine to get protection from the risk of serious illness.

Following advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), this spring’s eligible people include adults aged 75 years and over by June 30; residents of care homes; and anyone over six months old who is immunosuppressed.

“Covid-19 can still be very dangerous and even life-threatening, particularly for older people and those with a weakened immune system, and over time immunity can fade, so it is vital those who are at higher risk top up their protection,” said Dr Hamish McLure, Regional Medical Director, NHS England North East and Yorkshire.

The NHS will invite those eligible, but there is no need to wait.

Vaccines can be booked by downloading the NHS App and making an appointment, by visiting:; or by calling 119 for free, for those unable to get online.

Vaccination appointments will start from Monday, April 22. Parents or carers may book a Covid-19 vaccination for eligible children under 16 years on their behalf.